This post is the newsletter that is sent to all the subscribers and people at the PageOneX users’ list.
Here is a compilation of all the things related to PageOneX that had happened in the past weeks. From now on, I hope I can make this more often.
Feaured threads
There have been good threads on PageOneX recently. I list here some of them:

Thread available at PageOnex: Violence x Protest

How 3 Colombian newspapers covered the agricultural strike? My analysis with @pageonex (in Spanish) by @Amelrame.
Based in the thread in PageOneX: Análisis Paro Agrario.

The collapse of Pescanova in Galizian newsapers by @mcshuibhne.
He analyses how the local newspapers from the Galicia, a region in Spain covered the collapse of the food company, debt of €3.6bn. I found interesting how he used the tool: highlighting in red the absence of coverage on the topic, and then classifying by type of heading (importance by h1, h2, h3). The percentage of surface is not useful in this case.
Based in the thread in PageOneX Pescanova.

Check the live threads at PageOneX OccupyGezi in International newspapers an OcccupyGezi in Turkish newspapers Coded with @matrushka, @bilgenkurt and @numeroteca.

I’ve opened myself a month by month on Spanish corruption coverage. You can check all the threads unter the colorcorrupción category or in the specific Tumblr Besides the daily analysis, I’ve started a monthly review (September 2013) with more graphics using the export data feature at PageOneX. Last available thread at Corruption in Spain in September 2013.
If you wan to see your thread featured here, just comment this post. There is also a gallery of PageOneX cases at Pinterest.
PageOneX development
We changed the license of the code to a GNU AGPL v3, that suits better a web app like PageOneX, after the suggestion by a user related to the GNU project.
Some folks are trying to make their own PageOneX deployment in Heroku or elsewhere. We included an installation guide in the wiki and how to do it in Heroku. thanks to David Cabo for he advice.
There had been a lot of small improvements to make the tool more robust. Check the commits! With Edward L. Platt and Rahul Bhargava, from the Center of Civic Media, we keep fixing bugs.
Coverage of PageOneX: covering the coverage
There was an interesting article/interview in, a Spanish online newspaper, on PageOneX: Analyzing newspaper discourse with free software (Spanish) by @PauLlop.
PageOneX was featured in Euskadi Innova a public website for innovation in the Basque Country.
There was a post on PageOneX for the 6th congress on Research on Information and Communication in Madrid, Spain.
Thanks everyone for using PageOneX. It helps us to make it better!