A cold February is a perfect month to move forward and start developing again. I’ll list some of the things that have happened this past intensive weeks:
The post 3 steps to measure the corruption coverage in Spain (cross-posted also in the Civic Media blog) brought a lot of attention to PageOneX.
- Welcome all new users,there is an email list to share your experiences, suggestions and ideas with PageOneX. Join!
- Refurbished the main landing page. Simple but with all the links you need http://www.pageonex.com/
Created a Pinterest gallery with some front page coverage visualizations. We want yours as well.
We started having our weekly development meetings at 4pm EST in MIT Media Lab at the Civic Media space. Join us there, join the email list or check the public archive of emails. Rails forever! We hope to have a full working beta version by spring. The image shows the data model @EdwardLPlatt drawn. We’ll be making some changes to it.
- Meanwhile we wrote the instructions to make it easier to start locally. Pretty mark down.
- We changed the name of the github repository from https://github.com/numeroteca/PageOneX-ruby to https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex Simpler, nicer, as it should’ve always been.
- First test from users. @julitoalonso tested it analyzing images of the Argentinian President in the newspapers: Probando el programa… You can check the online version of his analisis in PageOneX tesster5.
Anibal Rossi wrote a review of the tool (Spanish) and made a tutorial in slides: Apps y humanidades digitales: PageOneX. Happy to see the community of users contribute and support the project.
Press Coverage
- Ara.cat PageOneX: la vara de mesurar que retrata la premsa davant la corrupció February 10, 2013.
El Mundo El Mundo, el diaro que cubre todos los casos de corrupción. February 12, 2013. Also available in pdf.