- Second time I run the app I get: “An error occured while installing factory_girl (3.0.0), and Bundler cannot continue.”
- Listing of all the front pages images in display view. Fixed. Just commited.
- Sometimes the scraper fails. Limitation of dates? For example: October 2011 fails…. fixed. Line 0 of lib/scraper.rb remove the 0, it was causing problems for months 10, 11 and 12.
- Add the limit date for kiosko when creating a thread. Is it different for dif newspapers? I think so. It would be great to hae a messsage like: “x images from x newspapers have not been found.” We should build and scraper (for future updates) to detect when a newspaper got in kiosko.net)
- Edit: thread features (see highlighted areas in the coding view once you come back from display). Which thing will not be edtitable? Dates and media could not be changed, so the scraper doesn’t run again.
- adding the “nothing to be coded” button + display images that are coded different from the ones that are not coded. https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex/issues/12 In the coding view, once you press the buton it will appear a div with “this image has been coded” and the image will me with opacity 0.6.
- Edit: be able to view and edit areas. https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex/issues/7
- Data associated with image: Show real name, not url name, of newspaper. + Real links to source of image, newspaper website (we might need to re-run the https://gist.github.com/2970558 and add the url of the newspaper), date (mmm. where this would link to?) https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex/issues/33
- Question: when coding large ammount of images, it is difficult to know where we are? which order the newspaper would appear? Order by date and not by newspaper? Let’s try to order by date.
- Newspaper by row https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex/issues/31 Newspaper name in the first column.
- Creating thumbnails for front pages https://github.com/numeroteca/pageonex/issues/22 and resize those thumbnails, not the full size pages.
- Add link when you click on an image, so you can re-edit it.(recode images)
- Add dates to have a reference (for each column of images shows the date of them)
- Quantification of highlighted areas: bar graph.
- Colors of codes in display view.
- Online test? We need an online version for beta testers. Which are our need in term of server, domain… so I can prepare. We can use http://www.heroku.com/ for first test, and then start building it in our own server.
- Compatibility with other browsers: (bootstrap itself provide this feature ) http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
- Open/close feature
- Select media sources (frontpages) from different moths. Now we can only select days within a month.
- Be able to select scraper source:
- Kiosko.net
- [the other built in our scrape.rb El País, NYT
- While scraping: show files that are being downloaded/failing
- Show which threads are opened (all threads) and be able to search.
- Export graph and data
- Select / unselect newspapers
- Select order in which newspaper appear.
- Question: how non-coder will be view the display? any diference in the links to coded image?
- Why jquery carrousel vs. single view.
- How highlighted ares are handled, gem used? storing coordinates? storing width-height?
- …
And keep going with other issues to explain different decisions in the development process.